Sunday, 23 April 2017



                                   All are equipped with Murders,Deaths,Attacks,SUICIDES etc majorly.
       ****  Newspapers shouldn't get any Bad NEWS even if they search thru BIOSCOPE.
        *** The Newspaper should be filled with only good news of NEW                         BIRTHS,MARRIAGES,FESTIVALS.


                  () Mostly 98% of people go to temples becoz of FEAR of HIM. 
                  ()100% of people will definitely ASK something in RETURN by giving atleast 1 RUPEE                      to HIM.                                     
                 ()People shouldn't do prayers with  FEAR of GOD.
                 ()They should get PEACE when they go to TEMPLE and they would get it only if they 
                    won't make a checklist of what needs to ASK GOD.


                      ()where ever there is a SPORT, obviously there would be a WINNER and a LOSER.
                      ()one should keep in MIND that a WINNER of today of a particular SPORT will be                                replaced by SOMEBODY at some point of TIME.
                      ()Most of the Countries give EDUCATION  via SCHOOLS/COLLEGES to children.
                      ()70% of the STUDENTS are facing UNEMPLOYMENT once they step into LIFE.
                      ()Government should remove certain DEGREES which are of no USE TODAY.
                      ()Government should produce STATISTICS in TV's of the POSITIONS that are                                      available for the particular YEAR for the particular DEGREES.
                      ()At School Level, Teachers should be given proper TRAINING of  What course 
                         should the STUDENTS take after their SCHOOLING that might help their FUTURE.


Monday, 17 April 2017


1)SELECT any one table, right click and click on BACKUP
2)In FILE OPTIONS TAB, Give any filename by selecting the path
3)select format as PLAIN
5)In DUMP OPTIONS #2 TAB, select Verbose Messages in TYPE OF OBJECTS(This is default option , so you don't hav to do any)
6)In OBJECTS TAB, Select all the tables you want.
7)Click on Backup Button

That's it, The output file does consists of all the tables with CREATE STATEMETNS you Want.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Going To Have ARRANGED MARRIAGE??? How to Make it Efficient?

                                 In India, Most of the marriages will be Arranged ones. Even Though we watch many many love stories in Indian Movies, In Real Life it can't be possible because of various reasons.

                                  A Boy(< 25 Age)/A Man( > 25 Age) will see a Girl/Lady and fall in Love.

But, he/she doesn't know the age of other person, doesn't know the CASTE of other person, doesn't the Employment/Education Status of other person.

Ok. Even if one comes to know about all the stuff, then intercaste Marriage/UnEmployment/Less Education will always lead to drop off  of LOVE.

Hence ARRANGED MARRIAGE comes into Picture.

OK OK ... I am coming into the point of ARRANGED MARRIAGE.

                                       ARRANGED MARRIAGE is good if  the Bride & Groom doesn't have any problems after Marriage. On the other side of the COIN, It is obviously BAD if they face all PROBLEMS after Marriage which leads to DIVORCE/EXTRA MARITAL AFFAIRS/DEATH/SUICIDE etc.... all of these which we are seeing DAILY in News Papers.

                                      What If we have a FORMULAE/PROCESS  that makes the ARRANGED MARRIAGE successful atleast to 60%.

1)The Bride/Groom won't have a better communication until the MARRIAGE. Hence, the pair needs to adjust/Manage/Mould themselves in order to satisfy the other. If NONE of the pair are not willing to do so, then obviously it leads to distruction of MARRIAGE.

                          What is meant by BETTER COMMUNICATION? Does it mean to talk with each other 24/7 daily in mobile on unnecessary stuff like what have you eaten, what are you doing, what did you do yesterday, what are doing now, today etc....?

                                     In my Opinion, He/She should know ABOUT

                                   1)Other Person's Character by posing the questions related to them.
                                   2)How He/She takes a Decision?
                                   3)How He/She treats Elders/Youngers?
                                   4)How Many Friends does HE/SHE has?
                                   5)If your father gives one Lakh rupees to you what will you do?

He/She should prepare a list of questions and need to have a conversation with  Bride/Groom.

I am listing out some of the Questions for sample.

1)By knowing the Academic Career of 10th/12th/Degree Percentages you can get to know about his/her's Intelligence.
The Percentages might have come by Mugging/ Pure Intelligence. What ever it is, It shows the Concentration,Punctuality He/She has over Education.

2)How many friends does He/She has?
    What are the Names of  his/her's Best Friends?
While having this conversation the answers should come abruptly or within few seconds or can take some time. But the answers should come, otherwise, it clearly determines the person as INTROVERT and needs to take MORE time to mingle with OTHERS.

3)What are the Achievements He/She made till now?

4)What does  MARRIAGE mean in your opinion?

5)What does LOVE mean in your opinion?

6)How do you define MONEY?

The above are some of the sample ones, likewise you can prepare some on your OWN and pose them  on your PARTNER accordingly.

                            Make Sure you do have ANSWERS before you POSE to your PARTNER. If you don't know/had Bad  the answer then you are UNFIT to your PARTNER.

                          Prepare a List like this, Give some points which makes you Satisfactory.
After the conversation, check the Points and then goahead/carry on accordingly.

There is an African Proverb

"Show me your friend and I will show you your character." 

Get to Know about the Friends of HIM/HER and have a conversation with them to know your PARTNER's Character.


                                        Yesterday I got a wierd thought about MOSQUITOES.
At my Home, Lots of mosquitoes daily enjoying being in HEAVEN as they suck the blood of ours like anything.

                   1)If Mosquitoes are very less, I was thinking like MOSQUITOES might have gone for a marriage of one of the mosquitoes relative.

                  2)If I come to know Mosquitoes Language, I would ask them what they are in need of other than blood and provide it so that both of us are beneficial(Atleast sucking blood will be avoided).

                  3)More over I can open a Training Centre, How to Learn MOSQUITOES LANGUAGE in 30 days (FULLY REFUNDED IF language not comes) and can become a MILLIONAIRE.

                 4)If we know the MOSQUITOE LANGUAGE, we don't need an ARMY for a country also. MOSQUITOES ARMY will suck the blood of ENEMIES before they attack us.


Saturday, 8 April 2017

Going to Tourist Places? Then Must Read This!!!!!!!!!!!

1) Need to maintain a check list of the places you want visit by a searching internet.

2) Need to watch the videos of tourist places priorky in YOUTUBE and skip some of them if you   need.

3) Need to know the  best hotels (for having food) by enquiring autowalas/cabs.

4) Schedule  the toure timings  from 07.00 A.M To 10.00 A.M and 03.00 P.M To 05.00 P.M

5) Need to keep water bottles has many has possible Need to keep milk if there are any infants


7)  Prepare  the check list of train timings and bus timings of to and fro and  Go only in super fast trains and buses in order to saving time.

8)  Take a small umbrella if you are visiting the place in summer/ rain season.

9) Drink coconut water and butter milk where ever you see them.

10) Prepare a CheckList of Nearest Hospitals in case of Health Emergency.

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