Wednesday 24 February 2016

VLOOKUP Function

 VLOOKUP stands for “Vertical Lookup”.

It can be used anytime that you have a list of data with the key field in the left-most column.

VLOOKUP needs four parameters.

Ist Parameter :  The cell value which needs to be SEARCHED.

2nd Parameter : The RANGE  with your lookup table. Highlight the range. Be sure to use F4 to make the range be absolute. (An absolute reference has a dollar sign before both the column number and row number. When the formula is copied, the reference will continue to point towards I3:J351.

3rd Parameter : In which column the Target Value to be found.
 In the Range of Lookup Table, if the column is 3, then you got to give as  3  for this parameter.

4th Parameter :  if a “close” match is OK.   then give  True.  If it is not, enter False.

Example :


In the above example

Z7 -- Cell no: consists of the data needs to be searched.
AC6:AD14 --- Range of the lookup table in which the output value shall be available.
2-- As we need the second column data in the lookup table  we have given 2.
FALSE -- we don't want close match. We need Exact Match. So, False is given.


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