Thursday, 16 June 2016

Launch Admin Tools from the Command Line

This list of .msc files will help you run admin tools from the command line.

Most admin tools in Windows Server 2003 are MMC consoles you can access from the Start menu. But you can also open these console from the command line if you know their .msc filenames. This can be especially useful if you log on to your admin workstation using a limited privilege account and use Runas to perform admin tasks. For reference, here's a list of admin tools with their associated .msc files. You can print this out and tape it on the wall beside your workstation until you memorize the ones you use most commonly.

AD Domains and Trusts

Active Directory Management

AD Sites and Serrvices

AD Users and COmputers


Authorization manager

Certification Authority Management

Certificate Templates

Cluster Administrator

Computer Management

Component Services

Configure Your Server
Device Manager

DHCP Managment

Disk Defragmenter

Disk Manager

Distributed File System

DNS Managment
Event Viewer
Indexing Service Management

IP Address Manage
Licensing Manager

Local Certificates Management

Local Group Policy Editor

Local Security Settings Manager

Local Users and Groups Manager

Network Load balancing
Performance Montior

PKI Viewer

Public Key Managment
QoS Control Management
Remote Desktops

Remote Storage Administration

Removable Storage

Removalbe Storage Operator Requests

Routing and Remote Access Manager

Resultant Set of Policy
Schema management

Services Management

Shared Folders

SID Security Migration
Telephony Management
Terminal Server Configuration

Terminal Server Licensing

Terminal Server Manager
UDDI Services Managment
Windows Mangement Instumentation
WINS Server manager

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