Thursday 19 November 2015

****TALEND "WSDL" ERRORS **** ESB component **** WEB SERVICE Request ERRORS ******

-->While using CreateOrUpdate FAMILY,
ERROR :  Unable to find field '2424739' in Family 'MI_XXXXXXX'.
SOL)Should make the ISKEY to TRUE for the corresponding KEY Columns.

-->While using CreateOrUpdate FAMILY,
ERROR : 20 Entity(s) were located in the following Family: 'MI_RISK'  with the following key values: 
SOL)Since the ISKEY to TURE is SET for the wrong KEY columns it is locating multiple ENTITY keys.

ERROR : CreateMI_RIResponse xmlns=""><MI_RIReturn><ResubmitRequest>false</ResubmitRequest><HasErrors>true</HasErrors><Records /><Messages><Message><Level>4</Level><MessageText>The value for the field MI_RI_KEY_N cannot be empty.
 Request consists of MI_RI_KEY_N value. But Response shows as NULL value.
SOL)The fields ORDER in the WSDL and the XMLMap are different.

ERROR :The value(s) (10) were not found in the pick list for the field (Prob).
SOL)Correct PickList values needs to be passed by checking in the corresponding data.

ERROR :org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain - Interceptor for {}MI_RISKMATRService#{}LocateMI_RISKMATR has thrown exception, unwinding now
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Response was of unexpected text/html ContentType.  Incoming portion of HTML stream: <!DOCTYPE html>
SOL)userid,password,Datasource are passed as NULL for the ESB component

ERROR :Exception in component tFileCopy_4
java.lang.RuntimeException: The source File "\\c\\BLRAPMCO.dat" does not exist or is not a file.
SOL)Username of APMCONTAINER is changed.
Username should be added in corresponding machine.
and corresponding  machine name should be added in corresponding server.

ERROR:Exception in component tAPMCSAPInput_1
java.lang.RuntimeException: Extraction failed because:ABORTED
SOL)Check Tablename from talend job.
  Add the table name in the corresponding user's authorozation profile.


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